“What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it!” – Oprah Winfrey
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so let’s check in with ourselves. What has been on your mind lately? Are your thoughts making you feel joyful? Uneasy? Physically unwell? Our thoughts have a very direct impact on our mental (and even physical!) state, so it’s imperative we protect and intentionally nurture them constantly—even when things seem bleak and not-so-GEMmy!

A dear friend of mine recently confided that she had been feeling generally unwell: exhausted, experiencing physical pain and generally sick. After visits with two different holistic practitioners, she was surprised to hear them both suggest the same thing: the problems perhaps lay in the emotional, spiritual and psychological realms—not in the “medical” or physical at all! She was shocked.
Their recommendations were clear, simple and intentional: purposely work to change her thoughts and begin her day with positive practices. WHAT?
Nobody’s Perfect, But You DO Have to Work It!
My friend went deeper and shared more about how she was feeling, even confessing that MY social media post the week before contributed to her malaise! She perceived this image of beauty, love, and friendship that made her long for what she felt she didn’t have. Sound familiar?
I told her what was behind the “snapshot of perfection” and that it wasn’t all it seemed. That I, too, was struggling to be there and to embrace the joy that was surrounding me. It was a very difficult few weeks for me—like serious sh*t flying all around me. I found myself spiraling, focusing solely on the negative going on in my life—very out of character for me.
The GEM voice inside my head, the one that helps me thrive, thumped me between the eyes: Apply the Original G·E·M·S Life playbook! One of the best ways to do that is to practice GRATITUDE—it’s the first category of Original G·E·M·S Life for a reason. It’s mission-critical to living a vibrant life.
Starting Each Day with a GRATITUDE Mindset
“Gratitude is an antidote to negative emotions, a neutralizer of envy, hostility, worry, and irritations. It is savoring; it is not taking things for granted; it is present-minded.” – Sonja Lyubomirsky. Powerful stuff.
Starting with Gratitude, here are four ways to use Original G·E·M·S Life practices to keep you on the up-and-up mentally (and, in turn, physically!). Using these practices you create a better environment for positivity to grow and manifest! The Mind/Body connection is real!
4 Ways to Maintain Your Mental Health with Original G·E·M·S Life
- GRATITUDE. My friend was told to start every morning listing 3 (different) things she was grateful for. Some days it might seem impossible. BUT IT’S NOT! We have so much goodness around us. Just look for it. Your health, clean water, a call from a friend, your child’s laughter, a safe home, hand-plucked Sencha tea. There’s so much! There are always positives to discover.
- EAT CLEAN. Are you eating well? HAVE you eaten at all? A great way to get your day off right is to drink a GREEN JUICE. Green veggies elevate your mood, keep your blood sugar in check, and boost your energy levels. One of my favorite green juices is the Leslie special: kale, parsley, and celery. By starting your day with a green juice, you’ve already consumed a big chunk of your recommended daily veggie intake. Eat Clean practice=complete!
- MOVE. Are you getting outside and breathing in the sunshine? Studies show that sunlight and exercise have a profound effect on your overall well being. Commit to just 15 minutes of moving your body each morning, and check off your MOVE practice for the day!
- SHINE. Supplements such as Vitamin D, Fish Oil, and Magnesium are often deficient in folks with low mood and energy. A well-rounded multi vitamin such as our new Thorne 2x/day is a great first step! They have an incredible Fish Oil, too!
Start your day on the brighter side with each of these Original G·E·M·S Life practices, and you’ll set off a chain reaction of mental well-being that can help you take on just about anything. Focus on the positive, even in a setback. Because setbacks or not, your choices either enhance your spirit or diminish it. So what’s it going to be?