The Official Blog of The GEM.

SHINE BRIGHTER. Our goal is to live better and be better.

Don’t Panic, It’s Organic (Inside The GEM at Least)

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We love our Earth, and our Earth loves Organic. Our pledge to Organic, GMO-free and sustainable products has been a shiny GOLD standard in the industry for over 12 years running. We take great care to seek out and serve the cleanest, healthiest products for our GEM Community. This is our ethos. All our products are honestly organic or grown hydroponically 100% pesticide-free. This principle is a big deal. It requires focus, commitment, and passion. You’ve heard us say this. A lot.

But since it’s Earth Day, is organic important for the earth? You bet your kale chip it is. Organic produce and ingredients are grown on soil that has no prohibited substances, synthetic fertilizers or pesticides applied for a minimum of three years. Organic farmers take a holistic approach—from the soil, to the water, to the bugs and the bees. Certified organic growers, along with those who farm hydroponically are playing an important role in preserving our environment. These measures are part of an earth-loving recipe to improve soil fertility, reduce pollution, conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less energy. This is a behind-the-scenes benefit for consumers but you’ll find that organic food not only tastes fresher and better but is also bursting with more nutrients compared to its conventional counterparts.

So shine on mighty GEMS! The GEM is more than your local organic superfood store; we are a community of people who are united in our love for pure products that safeguard the health of both people and our planet. So Every time you choose organic, you vote for clean air and water, nutritious food, and resilient soil. You vote for a healthier, brighter future.

Eat clean with us and order online for pick up!