The Official Blog of The GEM.

SHINE BRIGHTER. Our goal is to live better and be better.

Tag Archives: The Gem

Celebrate 11 years on 2/11 with a FREE IMMUNITY SHOT!

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This Feb. 11 we celebrate turning 11! And to celebrate, we’ve got a special “thank you” for our wonderful, glowing GEMs!  


Since we opened our doors, we’ve treasured our GEMmy community and the opportunity to help you Shine Brighter. And year 11 promises to be bigger and shinier than ever. 

To celebrate our big anniversary, join us for a FREE IMMUNITY SHOT ON Saturday, Feb. 11 at both our locations, where we’ll be giving out complimentary shots to ALL GEM CUSTOMERS! Come do shots with us! 

*In-store orders for dine-in only.






Magical, Miracle, MEDICINAL Mushrooms! 

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This GEM girl loves her some ’shrooms. Miracle Mushrooms. Magical, even, if you will. And not the psychedelic ones you might have “heard” about at a Grateful Dead concert. We’re talking about mushrooms used as food AND medicine. Actually, the practice of using mushrooms in herbal medicines is even older than Jerry Garcia — it been around for over 2000 years!

Ready to feel the power of our Miracle Mushroom Blend? Order for pick up now!

MK and I are OBSESSED with medicinal mushrooms.  So much so that we created our very own GEM-my Miracle Mushroom Powder Blend! 

What’s in Our Medicinal Mushroom Blend?

Our amazing medicinal mushroom blend contains a power squad of reishi, chaga, lion’s mane and turkey tail. We crafted it to help balance and restore your immune system, increase oxygen flow to your cells, amp up your mental and creative sharpness, regulate blood sugar, lower stress levels, promote restful sleep, and more. 

Check out the details below. We are sure you will RUN to The GEM to grab your jar of miracles! It’s simple to use: just add our Miracle Mushroom Powder daily to your coffee, smoothies, even your oatmeal. 

Why Is Our Medicinal Mushroom Blend Effective?  

The unique attributes of the four medicinal mushrooms in our blend make for a powerful energizing punch! Check it out:

Reishi Mushroom Benefits  

  • Improves Sleep 
  • Reduces Stress 
  • Alleviates seasonal allergies
  • Boosts immunity

Reishi has the incredible ability to boost the body’s immune system ability to protect against viruses, bacteria, and parasites.

Reishi also works to keep us FOREVER YOUNG. It reduces the signs of aging and protects your cellular DNA from oxidant damage, allowing you to remain energized and alert.

One of the most powerful benefits reishi provides is relief from severe seasonal allergies. When exposed to allergens, the body releases histamines, which cling to cells and cause them to swell and leak fluid — enter the sneezing and runny noses. When you’re taking reishi daily, your allergy symptoms may disappear entirely!

Chaga Mushroom Benefits

  • Wards off the common cold
  • Helps your skin GLOW and your hair GROW!
  • Lowers inflammation due to stress

Like reishi, chaga has astonishing immunity boosting powers. Compounds in chaga can boost the production of white blood cells that regulate the immune response to infectious microorganisms. 

Chaga is also a rich source of antioxidants. In fact, one dose of chaga contains the same number of antioxidants found in 30 pounds of carrots. It contains plenty of zinc and melanin, which are all excellent for keeping skin healthy and reducing inflammation. 

Lion’s Mane Mushroom Benefits

  • Improves memory
  • Boosts concentration
  • Protects your nervous system

Like some of the others, Lion’s Mane is incredibly restorative because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. However, Lion’s Mane’s brain-boosting effects truly distinguish it as a badass fungus.  

Lion’s Mane is believed to repair and regenerate neurons, resulting in improved cognitive function, and the mushroom has been known to mitigate the effects of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits 

Like many other mushrooms, turkey tail is full of super-powered stuff that give it its immunomodulating properties, providing overall immune support and regulation. But what sets turkey tail apart are two of its unique compounds: PSK and PSP that have the ability to regenerate white blood cells and stimulate the activity and creation of T-cells, and natural killer (NK) cells, enabling the immune system to ward off and destroy pathogens. 

If you liked what you read, don’t be shy — try out our new Miracle Mushroom Powder Blend today at The GEM!

40 Tons of Love For Mother Earth 🌏

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At The GEM, our passion for green living goes beyond caring for our well-being. The all-organic, plant-based foods we love improve our health AND the health of Mother Earth — and we believe you can’t care about one without caring about the other! That’s why living green has been part of Our Creed since DAY ONE — and why environmental practices go beyond just eating organic. 

Celebrate Earth Day by ordering online for pick up now!

Did you know that last year alone, we composted almost 87,000 POUNDS of food waste?! That means we reduced our carbon footprint by 77,000 pounds!

Thanks to the awesome team at Recycle Revolution, the leading collector of post-consumer food waste in North Texas, we’ve helped nourish gardens, soil, and worm farms all around DFW and reduced our carbon footprint last year by almost 77,000 pounds. 

Since we opened our doors 10 years ago, we’ve composted hundreds of tons of food waste. We’re happy to pay for this service and to do what it takes to help reduce our impact on the environment. 

We know our community is a green community and we want you to be secure knowing that eating at The GEM is an Earth Loving act. By doing that, you’re also: 

  1. Reducing Greenhouse Gasses & Water Use : By eating mostly plants, you’re reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Did you know that almost 15 percent of greenhouse gasses are produced by meat and dairy industries? Farming plants also uses far less water than raising cattle, if you can believe it. 
  2. Limiting Pollution, Water Run Off & Soil Erosion: Organic farming benefits you, the environment AND the farm worker. Think about it, if you’re not exposed to harmful chemicals, neither is the person picking your food or the water that runs off the farm. The practices of organic farms also reduce soil erosion and greenhouse gasses and improve the quality of soil. 
  3. Recycling & Reusing Everything: Our kitchen reuses glass bottles. All of our packaging is biodegradable and recyclable — including our straws because every little bit matters! And we NEVER use styrofoam. And our recycling includes the more than 40 tons of food waste we pay Recycle Revolution to compost every year.

We LOVE how much our GEM community cares about being green. If you want to join us on our reuse and recycle train, we encourage you to find out more about Recycle Revolution’s programs. The local company is committed to helping individuals and companies recycle and compost everything they can. Now that’s GEMMY! 

Thanks for doing your part to keep Mother Earth GREEN. We wish you continued vitality and healthy habits this Earth Day, Earth Week, Earth Month and every day. Keep up the good work Earth and Happy Earth Day!

Get Our FRESH Merch & Apparel for Spring!

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Look good, feel GEMmy in our all-new apparel! We’ve been working hard to design some fresh styles to commemorate our 10-year anniversary, and we are SO thrilled to finally unveil our all-new GEM t-shirts, socks, hoodies and more, just for YOU!



Look fresh and Shine BRIGHTER this spring in our new men’s and women’s apparel, designed with the rainbow vibes we’re famous for (with a little added retro sparkle!). Original GEMs know our apparel is always made with 100% cotton and printed on only the most comfy threads. 

Refresh your wardrobe with some shiny new styles this season by ordering online or in-store at both of our locations. RUN, don’t walk to get your new merch! Supplies are limited and sure to go quickly!


Celebrating a Decade of Peace, Happy, JUICE (& SO Much More!) 🎉

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Holy guacamole, The GEM is turning 10 YEARS YOUNG!!! We can hardly believe it’s been a decade since opening our doors as the first organic juice bar in Dallas. What started as a simple idea between two disco soul sisters back in 2012 has blossomed into something more lovely and powerful than we ever could have imagined. And it’s taught us that no matter whether in life, love, disco or business, passion is always worth pursuing.


From a terrifying breast cancer diagnosis to hosting our first-ever popup, and to opening our second location, the journey to provide the best-of-the-best spirit, energy and juice to our glowing GEMs has been, in a word, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. 

We knew next to nothing about the restaurant business when we opened up shop ten years ago, but that didn’t hold us back. We dug in deep—learning, growing, and dancing along the way (and, of course, leaning on this wonderful community of ours). 

Read on for the top ten lessons we’ve learned on our GEMbarkment a decade later:

10 Lessons Learned After A Decade of #ShiningBright

  1. Dallas loves green juice. We have seen our GEM community grow into the most incredibly committed and conscientious health-seekers anywhere around. 
  2. Our Top 10 Health Rules are still the way to go. Nothing has changed. It still is all about a whole food, plant-based diet. (And if you don’t know, now you know.)  
  3. Focus attention on your own passions, do it with determination and grit, and things fall into place. Stay true to your values—and don’t be swayed by a new “opportunity” that strays from your mission.(Check out Our Creed to see what we’re all about!)
  4. Treat your customers (and staff!) with respect and kindness, and they will stick around for the long term. Some of you have been with us since day ONE! We have incredible staff that have been with us for many years (like, almost 10!).  We love them, and we love YOU!
  5. Disco balls and groovy music make for a fun workplace. We’re more than just healthy food and organic juices. We’ve created a place where positive energy flows freely—and we like to think it’s why we have the very best staff in town (and we know you agree!).
  6. Delicious smoothies don’t have to be loaded with added sugar, dairy or creepy additives. Our intention is to make the most delicious food and juice without compromising any health benefits
  7. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Especially when it comes to new health products, supplements, diets and fads promising to (insert desired outcome here). Always stick to what you know actually works: a whole food, plant-based diet.
  8. Those struggling with a health crisis can feel confident that they are getting honestly clean, organic healing foods and juices when they visit The GEM. We’ve met so many beautiful humans going through cancer. It has been a humble honor to get to serve you.
  9. Supportive, positive people make for the BEST co-workers. Daily work is WAY more fun and rewarding with people who intentionally set out to be positive and supportive. We really do have a blast doing what we do, together.
  10. We are beyond grateful for you, our O.G.s (Original GEMs!), as well as our new followers for your continuous support and outpouring of love. We’re here and open every day for you, and you never fail to show up for us! 

As a special “thank you” to all of our loyal GEMs, mark your calendars for Friday, February 11th at both our locations, where we’ll be giving out FREE IMMUNITY SHOTS, complimentary to ALL CUSTOMERS! 🎉

Join Us Feb. 11th for a FREE IMMUNITY SHOT!

Posted on by The GEM and currently has 1 Comment on Join Us Feb. 11th for a FREE IMMUNITY SHOT!

We’re turning 10 years YOUNG this year, and to celebrate, we’re going all out! See what we’ve got in store as a special “thank you” to you, our wonderful, glowing GEMs!


Giving this wonderful community of ours a place to #ShineBrighter has been our mission since opening our doors in 2012—and we’re thrilled to be embarking on our TENTH year of business, still committed to being your source for organic goodness and disco happiness. 

To celebrate our big anniversary, join us for a FREE IMMUNITY SHOT ON Friday, February 11th at both our locations, where we’ll be giving out complimentary shots to ALL GEM CUSTOMERS! 

Help us spread the word by sharing this with a friend, and tag us in your social media posts! 

#TheGEMTurns10 #CheersTo10Years 

A Love Letter to My Disco Soul Sister

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Dearest MK (a.k.a. my Disco Soul Sister),

So often business can ruin good friendships. Yet with ours, not only has it endured, but our friendship has been forged into something truly extraordinary. When I think of the GEM, I think of, above all else, true FRIENDSHIP. 

“There’s nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” – Thomas Aquinas

Not only our almost 20-year friendship, but also with the people we have met throughout our relationship, the wonderful staff we have nurtured, and the life-changing friendships that have emerged from the creation of The GEM. I am forever grateful and constantly in awe of the blessing of it all.

What Our FRIENDSHIP Means To Me 

  • F is for FAMILY. You are my soul sister, a part of my family. And I adore that. F is also for FOREVER YOUNG: Flashy earrings, fun costumes, and first-rate dance routines.
  • R is for RARE. Your joy and kindness are truly RARE superpowers. It’s our company’s Religion now. Risk takers.  Some folks said no. But we did it!! Rainbows. And unicorns, and flower crowns. Just because it brings joy.
  • I is for IMAGINE The GEM as the beautiful force it is—something we never imagined.
  • I is also for ICONIC. The GEM shines bright for this entire community.
  • E is for EVERYDAY I get to play and giggle, cry and laugh with you. This Entrepreneurship EMPOWERS us to do great things. Not to mention our Executive lunches with Elevated Elixirs like juice and tequila. 😉
  • N is for NEEDLES & THE NEUROSURGEON. Our partnership = complete. 
  • D is for DISCO (naturally!). DW, Divine Dates, Diamonds, Dedication, and Discovering new things Daily. For a DECADE! The GEM is DESTINED for greatness. Hot DAMN!
  • S is for STARDUST, Seventies, Sequins, Snacks, Sunny, Soulshine. Supersonic Smoothies.
  • H is for HEALTH. Together we have become the mecca in Dallas for clean food, and crusade leaders for a Healing, HAPPY lifestyle. People want to know what WE think about health? Holy Kale! 
  • I is for Impressive. We STARTED the organic buzz in Dallas! Mic drop. Innovation and Inspiration to be better. Always.
  • P is for POSITIVE energy & PASSION for what we do.  It is the special ingredient that makes The GEM what it is, and who we are as a team. Prize winner. It’s what I am every day working with you, babe.

I love you more than you will know, and I am so very grateful for our beautiful creation. Love, friendship & another decade of disco


Cancer DOES Define Me

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Full disclosure. I’ve worked really hard over the last 9 years to put my cancer treatment and journey behind me. I am really a master, it seems, of compartmentalizing (almost all) experiences that were traumatic in my life. A great coping skill to eliminate emotional baggage. After fighting cancer, I liked to say, “I will not let cancer define me.” And I was adamant about it.


But the truth of the matter is cancer has defined me. The experience truly made me who I am today. I can’t deny it. I am brighter, shinier, stronger. It is the reason The GEM is here. 

I came to this realization while recently attending a luncheon honoring a fabulous GEM friend and cancer survivor. This event raised millions for the fight against breast cancer — providing access to advanced diagnostic equipment, innovative clinical research, and most importantly, safe, quality, compassionate care for those fighting cancer. Awesome. The theme was about acknowledging all that cancer brings: anger, fear, hope, love, courage, commitment and acknowledging that together we are strong and together we can do it. I expected that. But as I pushed around the almonds on my banquet arugula salad, something rocked me like a hurricane.

I experienced something profound. And unexpected.

As I listened to the stories of others affected by cancer, I became overwhelmed by a sense of immeasurable gratitude. Gratitude for the experience fighting cancer brought me. For the incredible care I was afforded in Dallas. The love and care shown me by friends. This support system is the reason I survived. The reason I thrive.


Fighting cancer impacted my life in 3 three ways:

  1. Made me more grateful and mindful of the blessings in my life: My husband who is solid gold. My parents’ unwavering support. My cadre of Rockstar friends. My health. I FIND GRATITUDE in every moment. That kind of positive perspective changes the reality of things.
  2. Changed how I responded to conflict. I breathe deep and know I will GATHER MY PEACE. Because at the end of the day, is it really worth it to stress and blow over big and small stuff? Hell no.
  3. Transformed how I looked at FOOD, and the POWER of it on my physical and mental health. The GEM is the manifestation of my new view on all that nourishes me.



To continue my cancer-free life, I now do these three things every day to launch a preemptive strike in the fight against the disease:

  1. Wake each morning to 32 oz. of water, deep breathing, and organic green tea. This routine includes listing three things I am grateful for. This changes my situational perspective. (Here’s one way you can use your morning routine to brighten your day.)
  2. Surround myself with shiny, happy people and places that lift me up. I find all of that
    inside The GEM community!
  3. Eat GREEN and CLEAN. Drink my celery juice first thing. By 11 a.m., I’ve already knocked back a kickass cup of MVP soup. (That means I’ve had seven servings of veggies before noon!). You can start by adding one extra green to every meal. It makes a big difference in my energy, mood, and waistline.


The truth is I’m grateful for what cancer has done in my life and the person I’ve become. Cancer does define me. And I’m proud of that. Thanks for allowing me to be honest. With you. With myself.

Spring Cleaning: Six Things for a Cleaner, Healthier You!

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Are you ready to drop the winter coat (literally and figuratively) and feel lighter and free? Time to spring clean it up, people! And really, spring cleaning is a detox in disguise.

A detox is simply making lifestyle changes that clear the body and mind of toxins, by eliminating certain harmful things and optimizing the power of more positive additions. Our mission inside The GEM is to guide you into a healthier and cleaner future.the gem spring cleaning

Getting there doesn’t have to incorporate radical, sweeping changes all at once.

Toxins are definitely a buzzword these days, so what is considered a toxin? Toxins are anything that can be poisonous or cause negative health effects. Heavy metals, chemicals, pollutants, artificial food ingredients, pesticides all cause the body harm. And don’t think it is just limited to the tangible. Toxic thoughts and people TREMENDOUSLY contribute to your health and wellness.

Let’s cut to the chase. Time for spring cleaning.

If you mindfully incorporate these simple things, you start the process of detoxification. Get on it. Get your brain and your body humming!

  1. Add detoxifying foods DAILY. Think spring greens, like the Dandelion and Kale salad—super supportive of your liver—the major organ responsible for filtering toxins from your body. The MVP soup is something you should drink everyday. Seriously. It adds five servings of sparkle inducing veggies into your day. And, do not underestimate the power of Daily Green Juice. On an empty stomach, it is a straight shot of goodness into your bloodstream. Come to The GEM. We can help with your green dilemma! We put GREEN in the spotlight
  2. Daily breath. Breathing is the strongest detoxifier we have. Use it to your advantage. Take Five Breathing exercise each morning and anytime you need to calm, focus or energize yourself. Breath in for 5 secs, hold it for 5 secs, exhale for 5 secs. Repeat AT LEAST five times. Great for de-stress, energy, composure.
  3. Exfoliate your skin, and sweat it out. Try a Sauna, or Hot Yoga, to sweat. Incorporate Dry Brushing. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and dry brushing boosts circulation, gets rid of dead skin cells, stimulates the lymph nodes, actually improves the appearance of cellulite, and helps the body remove waste. This is a very potent detoxifier.
  4. Eat organic. It is SO important. Our food supply is riddled with pesticides that are not only ON our food, but actually scientifically engineered inside the DNA. Not willing to go all in? Familiarize yourself with the “Dirty Dozen”. And always buy organic meats and pastured eggs!! Life inside The GEM is HONESTLY ORGANIC, so feel secure about your choices here.
  5. NO CREEPY ARTIFICIAL FOODS. That means NO sweeteners, colors, preservatives. They contain dangerous chemicals that remain in your liver and fat cells—and obstructs the natural cleansing processes within your body. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it either.
    Last, but not least, and this can be a difficult, yet critical one:
  6. Stop the negative talk and the behavior that follows. Do not put energy into negative chatter. Have you seen our GEM Journal?? It helps you set your intention for your day, and reminds of habits that will help change your direction. You attract what you put out into the Universe. Remind yourself daily: You are love. You are light.


For spring cleaning, you can always dig deeper, choosing temporary changes that can really kick start the process. Start a three day juice cleanse. Follow our “DAY IN THE LIFE OF A GEM” regimen.

Strive for more permanent changes. Remove toxic thoughts. Eliminate artificial sweeteners. I mean it. It can really change the way you feel, look and live!

Living a vibrant life takes commitment, time, focus. Start the journey with these 6 things to exorcise the demons of a toxic world. Walk into the bright light of health. See you inside The GEM soon!

Turmeric: Meet Your New Anti-inflammatory Power House

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Meet turmeric – your new super spice, new anti-inflammatory power house BFF!

This Southeast Asian spice is so much more than just an Indian curry ingredient. It has powerful health benefits you should know. You may not be using it daily—in your food and diet, BUT YOU SHOULD.

Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Indian Ayurvedic medicine as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent to treat infection, inflammation, wound healing and poor digestion. It’s kind of a magic food—cures lots of ails. We love raw turmeric inside The GEM for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric contains polyphenols that act as powerful anti-oxidants. This super spice does LOTS for your health.

Let’s just start with the biggest one for me: It has badass cancer fighting properties, and has been shown to inhibit growth of various cancer cells including: breast and prostate cancers and melanoma among others.

So, why add it into your daily life?

Here are a few more really good reasons. It:

  • Manages pain. It’s a super potent Anti-Inflammatory, it’s called “Nature’s Advil” for a reason. Perfect treatment for arthritis, joint pain, even headaches. SO many people swear by it as a remedy for inflammation!
  • Protects the brain, prevents the progression of Alzheimers.
  • Helps lower blood sugar and reverse insulin resistance. This is a weapon in the fight with diabetes and weight loss.
  • Boosts immunity. With its anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, along with the inflammation component, this power house is top of the list for staying well.
  • Reduces oxidative stress, which, among other things, contributes to high cholesterol.
  • Heals stomach ulcers.
  • Speeds wound healing.

Because curcumin (one of three potent polyphenols found in this spice) is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream, black pepper and healthy fat should be added to increase its bioavailabilty. That being said, if you are using raw turmeric (not dried powder) like we have at The GEM, you don’t have to add anything to enhance bioavailability. Its natural oil boosts absorption. Pretty cool! The powdered version loses much of its bioavailabilty in the processing.


Now you know what it does, here are a few ideas of HOW you can use it:

  1. Shoot it. Shots of turmeric are one of the quickest ways to consume to get your daily dose of anti-inflammatory goodness. Shoot it straight up or throw back a GEM Immunity Shot — with lemon and ginger for an added punch to the system.
  2. Boost it. Add to your Green Juice. Add turmeric juice for a bold move into a healthy day.
  3. Sip it. Make a tea including ginger and raw honey. Our Amazing Hot Immunity Tea or Immunity Iced Green Tea might change your life.
  4. Make a Latte. Yep! I dare you to try this yumminess called a Turmeric Latte. Fresh turmeric, frothed house-made cashew milk and garam masala (an Indian combo with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom).
  5. Pop it. New Chapter’s Herbal Detoxification capsules are a great addition into your supplement routine. This one includes green tea extract, ginger and peppermint. All amazing immune boosters in their own right.

It is important to note that like most therapeutic herbs, turmeric is not appropriate for everyone. It is a natural blood thinner, so avoid taking it if you are on prescribed blood thinners. It also might upset your stomach if you are taking medication for ulcers or heartburn (though turmeric aids in the healing of these things!). Consult your physician before use if you have any of these conditions.

Want to learn more ways to boost your immunity? Join us Wednesday, September 28, 11:30 a.m., at the Forest location for our continuing education workshop called Eat for Immunity. Learn what nutrient dense foods are best, how certain supplements can help and what other environmental factors can contribute to a super-powered immune system.

Click here to register or call us at (214) 750-2929. Email works too! Send us a note at [email protected].