This one’s for you, Cancer. My fight against cancer for the REAL family jewels (the breasts) led MK and me to create the ONLY organic juice bar in Dallas. My multi-prong, cancer-free plan of attack included eating only whole, CLEAN, organic foods — pesticides, toxins and processed artificial ingredients HAD TO GO.
At the GEM, we know firsthand: This nasty disease is no joke. One more cancer sufferer is one too many. So we’ve made it our mission to provide only the BEST organic juices, smoothies and green bites with no compromise to help protect YOUR family jewels (prostate, breast, and colon) — and give you diamonds on the inside, too!
Order your #HonestlyOrganic green bites and juices, on our app!

From the first diagnosis of breast cancer, I made a conscious decision to learn and do everything within my power to keep me cancer free. One of the first things I changed? My diet. Being scared into EATING straight is a real thing, people! This meant whole, CLEAN (organic) foods — no more artificial or processed junk, and absolutely no more pesticide-ridden fruits and veggies.
But eating organic is only the first step to living a cancer-free life. Keep the treasures safe with these essential lifestyle changes:
10 Ways to Keep Your Family Jewels Cancer Free
- MOVE TO A WHOLE FOODS, PLANT-BASED DIET. Eat fewer things that have feet (ie, animal protein) and eat more green plants. Read The China Study. Mind-blowing research about cancer and animal protein.
- ELIMINATE PRESERVATIVES AND CHEMICALS from your food. We can’t say it enough! That includes artificial sweeteners, flavorings and colors, nitrates, MSG, and more. And while we’re at it, replace those vegetable based oils (like canola, corn and soy) with healthier and whole avocado, olive and coconut oil. Fats are good for you, but only when they come from healthy, clean sources. By the way, did you know, there are no vegetables in vegetable oil? True story.
- FIGHT THE SUGAR DRAGON: Not only is this ingredient highly addictive, it’s also known to increase cancer-causing inflammation! You can find added sugar snuck into almost everything: Corn syrup, rice syrup, dextrose, sucrose, lactose…the list goes on.
- READ YOUR INGREDIENTS: You’d be surprised at what you’ll find in some foods — even an innocent bottle of salad dressing. Hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, nitrates, artificial colors and more.
- DRINK YOUR GREEN TEA. The active ingredient in green tea – antioxidant compounds called catechins – reduces cancer occurrences. Our Forever Young Green Tea and Matcha Latte hit it head on!
- RELAX. Daily breathing exercises, meditation, and more decrease stress hormones released into your system, preventing cancer-causing inflammation. This stuff WORKS.
- ORGANIC BERRIES. Delicious, delicious berries contain significant antioxidants that help reduce cancer risk AND contain ellagic acid, which has been shown to slow the growth of some tumors (insert twig and berries joke here!).
- #SHINEBRIGHT WITH VITAMIN D. From safe exposure to sunshine, D3 supplements and leafy greens, Vitamin D suppresses the formation of new blood vessels that nourish the growth of tumors. The rates of breast, prostate, and colon cancer are lower in climates that have the most sunshine. Bring on the Hawaiian Tropic!
- TURMERIC & SELENIUM. Curcumin (active component) has been shown to interrupt the normal progression of cancer cells. Also great for arthritis/joint pain. Turmeric Lattes or straight shots of pressed turmeric — just do it. Selenium is a potent antioxidant or scavenger of carcinogenic free radicals. It is HUGE as an anti-prostate cancer warrior. Our GEM Remix has you covered.
- GET PHYSICAL. By adding energizing, stress-busting exercise to your daily routine, you can lower the levels of estrogen and insulin in your body — hormones which can increase cancer development and progression if left unchecked.
- STAY BOOZE-FREE. Women who had 4-5 drinks per WEEK had a 38% percent higher risk of breast cancer recurrence. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. Leave the competitive drinking games in college where they belong! NO EXCUSES! Try replacing your daily glass of wine with meditation, exercise, a dose of Natural Calm or a cozy Turmeric Latte. Alcohol is full of sugar and calories as empty as a Big Mac.
Wearing pink, purchasing yogurt with a ribbon on it and regular screening just won’t cut it anymore. TAKE CONTROL. We are the sum of all of our tiny little decisions — good and bad.
Go on, be a GEM and give a big squeeze of love to your family and your family jewels. But above all else, remember to surround yourself with shiny, happy people and places that lift you up. See you inside The GEM!
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