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How to Stay Healthy This Cold & Flu Season

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 1 Comment on How to Stay Healthy This Cold & Flu Season

In the midst of one of the worst cold and flu seasons, what are you doing to prevent illness and stay healthy? While there are obvious practices that make a BIG difference – things such as good hygiene (WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN), good nutrition, lifestyle and sleep habits – there are amazing supplements that can boost your immunity to prevent and to lessen the symptoms of cold and flu. Our belief is to come at it from all angles! Want to stay healthy this cold and flu season? Follow these rules for prevention and more strength to fight it off with a greater one-two punch if you do get sick.

Diet & Lifestyle:

  • Exercise. Move, move, move.
  • Get sunlight and fresh air.
  • Reduce stress. Stress can compromise your immune system.
  • Get plenty of rest, especially during cold and flu season.
  • ELIMINATE SUGAR. Sugar suppresses your immune system for hours after you eat it. Sugar + white bloods cells/immunity = Kryptonite + Superman.
  • EAT NUTRITIOUS, UNPROCESSED FOODS. Our MVP soup packs a huge punch with lots of immunity boosting nutrients like mushrooms, cruciferous veggies, ginger.
  • BONE BROTH! Think about grandma’s chicken soup remedy. She knew it all along! Grab yours at The GEM.
  • STAY HYDRATED. Drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water each day.


Supplements. Take note. These are important and available inside The GEM!

  • PROBIOTICS.  Supports a healthy immune system. We love our Bio Kult.
  • TAKE YOUR VITAMINS.  Vitamin C is an immune system builder, but we need all of them to stay strong.
  • DRINK warm drinks like green or spicy chai teas. Even better try our Immunity Tea with local raw honey, turmeric, lemon and ginger. Our Turmeric Latte will change your life.
  • TURMERIC is one of the foods with the highest antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin the active ingredient in turmeric, is anti-viral, anti-fungal and can help protect against cancer. In shots, juices or supplements.
  • GARLIC. Add this antimicrobial herb in your cooking, eat it fresh, or infused in honey (making it an easier preparation for some to swallow). To maximize garlic’s benefits, crush it and let it stand for 5 or so minutes to allow its active constituent, allicin, to occur.
  • ECHINACEA. Current flu research indicates that Echinacea may help to shorten the duration and severity of the flu if used early. Echinacea can be taken as a tea or tincture. Try our Cold Cocktail tincture – it contains garlic, turmeric AND Echinacea. POW!
  • IMMUNITY MIX. Our immunity shots with turmeric, ginger, and lemon are badass warriors in the battle to stay healthy and fight it off. It’s topped with the Adaptogenic tincture that contains super-powered medicinal immune boosting mushrooms.Belly up to the bar or buy it in bulk.
  • ELDERBERRY. Take it when the virus first strikes to reduce the duration and severity of symptoms. Plus, it tastes yummy. You can find Elderberry Syrup in our Allergy Shots or by the bottle in our fridge. Add it as a boost to your tea or smoothie.


We take these ideas very seriously. It can make all the difference for you AND your family, so run in today to build your health arsenal and kick cold & flu season’s ass!





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