The Official Blog of The GEM.

SHINE BRIGHTER. Our goal is to live better and be better.

Author Archives: The GEM

Cancer DOES Define Me

Posted on by The GEM and currently has 34 Comments on Cancer DOES Define Me

Full disclosure. I’ve worked really hard over the last 9 years to put my cancer treatment and journey behind me. I am really a master, it seems, of compartmentalizing (almost all) experiences that were traumatic in my life. A great coping skill to eliminate emotional baggage. After fighting cancer, I liked to say, “I will not let cancer define me.” And I was adamant about it.


But the truth of the matter is cancer has defined me. The experience truly made me who I am today. I can’t deny it. I am brighter, shinier, stronger. It is the reason The GEM is here. 

I came to this realization while recently attending a luncheon honoring a fabulous GEM friend and cancer survivor. This event raised millions for the fight against breast cancer — providing access to advanced diagnostic equipment, innovative clinical research, and most importantly, safe, quality, compassionate care for those fighting cancer. Awesome. The theme was about acknowledging all that cancer brings: anger, fear, hope, love, courage, commitment and acknowledging that together we are strong and together we can do it. I expected that. But as I pushed around the almonds on my banquet arugula salad, something rocked me like a hurricane.

I experienced something profound. And unexpected.

As I listened to the stories of others affected by cancer, I became overwhelmed by a sense of immeasurable gratitude. Gratitude for the experience fighting cancer brought me. For the incredible care I was afforded in Dallas. The love and care shown me by friends. This support system is the reason I survived. The reason I thrive.


Fighting cancer impacted my life in 3 three ways:

  1. Made me more grateful and mindful of the blessings in my life: My husband who is solid gold. My parents’ unwavering support. My cadre of Rockstar friends. My health. I FIND GRATITUDE in every moment. That kind of positive perspective changes the reality of things.
  2. Changed how I responded to conflict. I breathe deep and know I will GATHER MY PEACE. Because at the end of the day, is it really worth it to stress and blow over big and small stuff? Hell no.
  3. Transformed how I looked at FOOD, and the POWER of it on my physical and mental health. The GEM is the manifestation of my new view on all that nourishes me.



To continue my cancer-free life, I now do these three things every day to launch a preemptive strike in the fight against the disease:

  1. Wake each morning to 32 oz. of water, deep breathing, and organic green tea. This routine includes listing three things I am grateful for. This changes my situational perspective. (Here’s one way you can use your morning routine to brighten your day.)
  2. Surround myself with shiny, happy people and places that lift me up. I find all of that
    inside The GEM community!
  3. Eat GREEN and CLEAN. Drink my celery juice first thing. By 11 a.m., I’ve already knocked back a kickass cup of MVP soup. (That means I’ve had seven servings of veggies before noon!). You can start by adding one extra green to every meal. It makes a big difference in my energy, mood, and waistline.


The truth is I’m grateful for what cancer has done in my life and the person I’ve become. Cancer does define me. And I’m proud of that. Thanks for allowing me to be honest. With you. With myself.

Celery Juice: Stalking Our Health; Making Us Better!

Posted on by The GEM and currently has 2 Comments on Celery Juice: Stalking Our Health; Making Us Better!

I added something incredible to my morning routine — and I’m obsessed. Nothing fancy, just organic celery juice with lemon.

Odd, yes. But fresh, raw celery has lots to offer our health…and has been quietly hiding its potential for years! Celery is anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and gut-friendly. There are so many incredible health benefits, and they are magnified by JUICING. FOR REAL PEOPLE, I see the difference!

Now, I’m not saying you should toss your Green Glow altogether. Quite the contrary. Deep leafy green juice has its amazing properties and place in your daily juice routine. Save your Platinum, Flawless or Green Glow for later in the day! Here’s why you should be sipping this simple green juice every morning.

The benefits of celery go beyond the gut. From the thyroid to the liver, celery is the GEM that will make your health shine.


GUT BENEFITS: Special nutrients in the fiber come alive when juiced. These nutrients promote optimal function of the digestive tract, relaxing and soothing the nerves damaged by unhealthy food choices, and lowering inflammation. That makes celery juice perfect for folks with IBS, Crohn’s, even colon cancer. The enzymes and mineral salts in celery help restore the HCL levels, so you better digest  and absorb food. I am here to tell you that things are moving beautifully on that front! The Medical Medium says that after just seven days, you could start feeling positive digestive effects! I agree!

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY: Celery contains a potent flavonoid that acts as an antioxidant and quells inflammation. It helps with JOINT PAIN, LUNG INFECTIONS, ASTHMA.

LOOK YOUR BEST: This wonder veggie as a natural diuretic, ridding your body of excess bloat AND reducing cravings. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties help clear up ACNE!!

THYROID SUPPORT: For thyroid-related issues, Celery is your girl! The mineral salts help fight and cleanse the body of the Epstein-Barr virus. Celery helps boost production of important thyroid hormones to help with hypothyroidism.

STRESS-RELIEF! The essential oils and minerals in celery, like magnesium, soothe the nervous system. Calm, anyone?

LIVER DETOX: Celery’s detoxifying properties work to remove bad bacteria, mold, viruses and other toxins from the liver. Also, the digestion support helps lessen the toxic burden on the liver.

HEALTHY HEART: The natural sodium helps lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, and lowers stroke risk.


Consume Celery juice first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach for maximum benefits when healing—then wait 15 minutes before you have anything else. These unique regenerating and healing properties can heal your gut, clear your skin, lower your blood pressure, and get you ready to party like a GEM rock star! DRINK YOUR (CELERY) JUICE!

SUPER ORGANIC NOTE: Celery is on the DIRTY DOZEN LIST, which means it’s sprayed with lots of chemicals and pesticides, so go organic, or GO TO THE GEM!