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SHINE BRIGHTER. Our goal is to live better and be better.

Tag Archives: brain function

Start Your Day With a Bright, Shiny Breakfast Bang!

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 1 Comment on Start Your Day With a Bright, Shiny Breakfast Bang!

It’s not breaking news to read that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But WHY? A good breakfast leads to better choices, more energy, boosted metabolism, better focus, reduced cravings throughout the day and even weight loss. It’s an effective way to be your best version of you.

If you are prepared, breakfast can be quick and easy. If you aren’t, you can sail off the rails really quickly by making choices that clearly don’t serve your health. In one of my favorite posts, I offer several great options for making breakfast happen at home. Many of you still weren’t convinced you could (or wanted to) do it on your own. We get it. That’s why we are here! Did you know The GEM offers amazing breakfast options? We make it simple to start your day off with a bright, shiny bang! Don’t have time? We do!

Smoothies. This is an obvious one. But if you’ve never tried our Cameo or Tahitian Pearl, you don’t know what you’re missing. Adding greens allows you 2 veggie servings out of the 8 you should consume daily. The fat from the coconut butter/manna keeps you satiated for hours. Want to really pimp your smoothie ride? Add extra protein – chia or hemp seeds – to shine like a rock star.

Lattes. Often these can be loaded with sugar and dairy and chemicals. NOT AT THE GEM. Ever had a real Matcha Latte? Not one made from syrupy concentrate? Incredible. Our Turmeric Latte, made with fresh pressed turmeric, ginger, garam masala and frothed cashew milk is a game changer—morning or afternoon—for happiness, inflammation, energy.

Steel Cut Oatmeal. Top it with raw walnuts, currants, cinnamon, maple syrup. This stuff is GOOD. Some folks like to add warm cashew milk and blueberries. I LOVE to add coconut manna for extra creaminess and brain boosting fats. It’s filled with blood sugar leveling fiber and energizing complex carbohydrates. Anyway you spoon it, it’s a clear morning winner.

French Press Coffee. Our coffee is the best kept secret in Dallas!! Combined with our warm cashew milk, this morning treat is sure to be your new addiction.

FOYO Parfait. This is technically a Smoothie Bowl in a cup. We top it with really yummy, not too sweet, granola. It’s got berries, tart cherry juice for inflammation, hemp seeds for protein and bananas. Add spinach or extra protein for a kick-ass start.

GREEN JUICE. And of course, a perfect day wouldn’t be complete without GEM JUICE. Fresh pressed juice helps balance blood sugar levels, energizes, makes your skin glow, and loves on your liver and kidneys. It is best to drink juice on an empty stomach for best results, so make it a priority and feel the difference.

Still think you don’t have time for The GEM? Order on our APP and we will have it waiting for you—even run it to your car if you need us to. (Download our app here) Or FAVOR offers $3 GEM delivery (sometimes even $1). You won’t even have to leave your home or office!! Call us at either location. Can’t wait to see you at daybreak!!















We Heart Hemp!

Posted on by diamondsonyourinside and currently has 4 Comments on We Heart Hemp!

happyhempHemp. Not to be confused with the to the stuff Cheech and Chong made so famous. This miracle seed (plant for that matter) is actually a distant cousin. So, get those thoughts out of your head.

For better or worse, the “high” you can get with hemp is only from your body singing from all the goodness.

Why is it so good?

It’s packed with protein for one thing. Hemp has more protein than meat, fish or tofu. Say wha?? Forks over Knives, for sure!

Additional benefits of hemp include:

  1. It keeps your weight in check because Hemp protein and fiber aid in satiety, which will prevent you from snacking and keep you fuller longer. It actually keeps you from the munchies. HA. A diet rich in hemp also promotes digestive regularity. Giddy-up cowboy!
  2. Keeps you smart. Hemp seeds are one of the few Omega-3 sources found in plants, so listen up, vegans. The Omega-3 fatty acids in hemp reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, and may even ward off Alzheimer’s disease. The protein and omega fats help with brain function.
  3. Hemp can regulate hormone fluctuations and promotes the alleviation of menstrual cramps and menopause symptoms. That sounds like happiness in a bag to me!
  4. Hemp keeps you looking good! It is a protein powerhouse that stimulates skin and hair growth, maintains bone health, regulates metabolism, and helps with brain function. Hemp helps keep your blood sugar level, which is an important way to defy age and prevent disease. Sign me up.

An interesting note: our government outlawed hemp farming in 1958, a shame when you consider how amazing a crop it is. The plant thrives without pesticides, purifies the soil around it, and kills weeds. The U.S. is the only country that bans industrial hemp farming.  Another brilliant food move by our government. Our hemp comes mostly from our neighbors to the north in Canada, who are already attuned to a healthier food supply.

Use hemp in your smoothies as a dairy substitute. Just three tablespoons give you a whopping 15 grams of protein. I keep Happy Hemp seeds in my car to snack on when I’m carpooling. Sprinkle them on your oatmeal, add them to your salads.

I’m telling you, this is some good stuff.