Stow away the swimsuits and the pool floaties. Pack up the margarita mixer and the BBQ grill. The care-free summer snacks, party food and all-night soirées have caught up with us (adios, summer bod). After months of facing havoc, your body is ready to get back to business. HEALTH business, that is!
Hate to break the news, but the summer party is officially OVER and it’s time to get back to healthy habits.
Snap. Back To Reality.
When all the fun and party begins to fade, we’re left feeling puffy and bloated, brain-foggy and just plain SPENT. Your mind and body are ready for a wake-up call. You want to get back on the feel-good wagon…and we know just how to help.
Here are a few sure-fire ways to get you feeling lighter (and BRIGHTER) again, and lift that summer fog:

- MORE GREENS. Add just one EXTRA to your plate. For real, people, This works! The extra chlorophyll and phytonutrients will give you immediate energy and spark, while the added fiber will help boost your metabolism and enhance your digestion (read: you can get regular again). Have you tried our new Super Tabouli? It will make your taste buds sing AND your energy levels soar!
- H2 OH-YEAH! Get back to your morning ritual of drinking water FIRST THING after you wake up. Not only is it super beneficial to your overall long-term health care, it’s also an easy way to detoxify your system without having to make major changes to your lifestyle. Bonus!
- DAILY JUICE. Whether you dive deep into a 100% Celery Juice regimen or get back to old favorites like the Green Glow (kale, cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger), adding daily juice will boost your metabolism & energy levels, maintain blood sugar levels, and even quell some cravings. It’s just the right way to start your day. (or afternoon pick up).
- GET PHYSICAL. Stretch it out. Breathe deeply. Doing yoga or an at-home stretching sequence will make a HUGE difference in your day, and will keep your body healthy and renewed. Try some of these exercises to get started (you’re welcome).
- MAKE SMOOTHIES GREEN AGAIN. Your digestive system needs a break after everything it’s been through. Ditch the sweet, sugary breakfast and try a White Diamond with added spinach instead. Or, go full GREEN with an Emerald City. Your mind and body will thank you!
- PROBIOTICS, PLEASE! It’s high time to get yourself some good bacteria. Your system has been compromised: summer partying has no doubt upset the balance of good vs. bad bacteria in your gut. Digestion, immunity, and brain function are suffering. Stock up on some probiotics (Bio-Kult is the best), inside The GEM.
- GO TO SLEEP! News flash: you’ve been staying up late, and it’s starting to catch up with you. Lack of sleep makes you crave sugar and ages you. Good sleep helps shed fat, keep disease at bay, and renews your energy. Having trouble getting back in the sleep-routine? Try some CALM tea at night to relax.
Try these steps and let us know how you feel! We’re certain clarity, energy and vibrance are in your very near future—and if you’re still needing a little bit of help, you can always kickstart your way back into good health with a detox cleanse from The GEM. Frenzied Fall…here we come!!