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Are you Vegan-curious? Your Questions Answered

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What exactly is veganism? Could it be for you? With so much talk — and noise — around the term, you may be a little unsure. So we’re here to shine a light on this vibrant way of eating.

What is Veganism?

Veganism is essentially a type of vegetarianism. While the terms are often used interchangeably, vegetarianism is a diet that doesn’t include animals, like meat or fish. Veganism, on the other hand, excludes all animal-derived products including meat, fish, dairy, eggs and even honey! A vegan diet is 100 percent plant-based and consists of grains, beans, nuts, tofu, fruits and vegetables.

Should You Go Vegan?

We can’t answer that question for you. But if you decide to go vegan, you should be clear on your “why.” That will keep you motivated when that dairy-based cheese is calling your name. There are a number of reasons to go vegan, but some of the big ones include

1. Animal ethics
2. Environmental concerns
3. Health benefits

At The GEM, the health benefits are the primary reason we stick with vegan products, but environmental concerns and animal ethics also motivate our choices as well. If you’re thinking about going vegan, you may be wondering how best to do so.

Is a Vegan Diet Healthy?

When implemented properly, a vegan diet CAN be very healthy. However, one must be conscious to strictly follow the rules of a diet with non-processed, protein rich food sources. Junk food is out. Thoughtful, well-prepared foods are in.

Covering Your Essential (Vitamin) Bases

Plant-based foods are rich in anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting, and metabolism-boosting components. And while a strict vegan diet provides an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals, you may want to consider adding some supplements. For instance, incorporating vitamin B12 supplements helps bridge the nutritional gap typically filled by animal products. At The GEM, you also always have the option to enhance your plant-based smoothies boosts like spirulina or E3 Live for that extra nutritional punch!

How Do You Get Your Protein When Vegan?

It’s important to know where to get proper nutrition from plants. Otherwise, you will be hungry, even unhealthy! Protein and fat are critical. If you don’t get enough of both in your diet, you’ll crave sugars that will put your diet in a tailspin. Nourish your body with intention and focus.

Plant foods can be surprisingly rich in protein. The best sources include lentils, chickpeas and tofu. Whole grains such as oats, whole wheat pasta and quinoa can also be great sources of protein. Nuts and seeds will provide the high-fat content your body needs, helping with brain functioning and keeping your belly full!

It’s important to remember that there is a learning curve when deciding to go vegan. (And that’s perfectly normal!) Be smart about it.

What is the GEM POV?

Almost all of the GEM’s options are vegan — the exception being our exclusive organic bone broth crafted by our friends at Stocks & Bondy. After co-owner Leslie’s cancer diagnosis, she followed a vegan diet and remained mostly vegan for several years afterwards. Finding a source of authentic organic vegan food was nearly impossible. Hence the GEM was born! While not strictly vegan today, the GEM remains a safe haven for those searching for the cleanest, organic, nutrient-dense soups, salads and smoothies.

Together our founders Leslie & MK embrace the 80/20 lifestyle, filling 80% of their diet with the good stuff—vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. The remaining 20%? That’s the clean, organic, responsibly-sourced animal product foods (and a few naughty snacks on occasion)! It’s all about balance at The GEM, where every aspect of healthy eating is celebrated.

If you decide to go vegan, you may see incredible results from a vegan diet. And you may want to stick with it for a lifetime — or for shorter periods of time. Our bodies change, thus our needs do too.

Vegan doesn’t have to be a scary word! A proper vegan diet can bring vibrant transformation into your life. Whether you choose to dive fully into veganism or not, there are undeniable benefits to adding abundant plant-based foods to your diet.

Order your favorite vegan snacks online for pick-up now!